application for game. :D

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application for game. :D

Post by malita55 »

Name: Malia O.

Game name:Malita55

Interests:Roller Derby(roller skating),soccer,video games,youtube

Experience:about 1/4 a year...i pretty good. i guess. lol :lol: :lol:

Why i want to join this server: well a couple of people on other servers told me your server was cool and i want to give it a try!! :D

Rules: yep!!! i read the rules and ill follow them!!! :D
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Re: application for game. :D

Post by malita55 »

srry for my short application!!! redo...

Name: Malia O. some people call me molly or malz but i prefer malia.

Gamer name: Malita55

Interests: well first of all you guys should know im a tomboy(boyish girl) and most of my friends are guys. i love roller skating and playing soccer(usually the goalie).

Age: 13 and lovin it!!!!

Where i live: CALIFORNIA BABY!!!!

How long i've been playing: about 1/4 of a year but i have alot of experience from playing other type of games like it and im just a big gamer!!

Friends who play minecraft: none...but not for long!!! :lol:

Why i want to join this server: looks like a great server.... almost 24/7 i see that your on the top of the minecraft server list and that awesome!!! like on my last application, people on other servers told me about your server because it was cool, and i just had to give it a shot!!! :D

Read rules: yep and i will follow those rules and help u guys get other people to follow the rules to!!
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Re: application for game. :D

Post by Cyndrom »

"top of the minecraft server list" Didnt know our server was getting that famous 8-) Your application looks fine, so il approve it. You just need another admin to approve it and then you can join. Remember though that this is primary a danish server, so most of the language will be in danish. But ofc most of us do speak english ;)
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Re: application for game. :D

Post by mgenie »

I'll approve it as well. Join the server and ask an admin to promote you (refer to this application). We only let people in on saturdays and sundays, so you might wanna do it this weekend :)
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Re: application for game. :D

Post by Rekalty »

Moved to Rejected due to the time its been, since its written and accepted, without you responding, to get tested and promoted on the server. If you happen to drop by, please mention this to the admin/mod you talk to, and we'll look into this.
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