Mathiaskj's Ansøgning

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Mathiaskj's Ansøgning

Post by Mathiaskj »

What's your name? You can give us your nickname or surname, if you do not feel comfortable giving out your real name.


Minecraft Name:
This one is important. We need to know your Minecraft name to promote you.


How old are you? Remember, we do not have an age requirement, so there is no need to lie.

19 (01 05 1992)

You do not have to be too specific, if you do not want to. But stating at least your country would be appreciated.

Denmark Copenhagen

What interests do you have (except for minecraft of course!)?

MUSIC! (I making my own music.) and I'm interrested in business.

Minecraft experience:
Do you have any experience playing Minecraft? Singleplayer or multiplayer on other servers? In that case - for how long?

I've had my own server for about 4 months, then I got attacked by griefers and I couldn't be arsed to rebuild it all and I forgot to back the server up.

Where did you hear about Through

Do you have any friends on the server? Write their in-game nicks.

Nop. Atleast not yet.

Why do you wanna join the server:
Tell us why you want to join You do not need a fancy reason at all, we would just like to know

I just want a place to play minecraft, where there aren't a lot of griefing maniacs.

Have you read and understood the rules?:
You really should read the rules before you apply, hence this question. It is important that you read and fully understand the rules of the server. If you have any question about the rules, please contact an admin either ingame or via the forum

I do understand the rules...
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Re: Mathiaskj's Ansøgning

Post by hknurse »

Din ansøgning er enten for kort, har mangler eller følger ikke den standard der ligger i "Ansøgnings Eksempel". (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6)

Bemærk venligst, at du kun har 2 chancer til at få en ansøgning godkendt. Hvis du ikke kan opnå dette, ser vi det som et tegn på at du ikke har gidet at sætte dig ordenligt ind i reglerne og ansøgningsproceduren.

Er du i tvivl om noget, så spørg andre spillere på serveren, de fleste afsætter gerne lidt tid til at hjælpe nye spillere.

Med venlig hilsen
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