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Post by dumb_angel »



like:football,random computer games

i want to play on server to talk with and play around with my friends
also to role play
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Re: Applications

Post by mgenie »

Jeg gætter på du er dansk:

Vær sød at tage dig lidt ekstra tid til at skrive din ansøgning. Se evt. på den template vi har lagt ud - den er trods alt til for at gøre det nemmere for jer, at skrive en rimelig ansøgning.
Vi mangler at få svar på en del, f.eks. om du har læst (og forstået) reglerne?

In case I'm wrong and you're not danish:
You have forgotten to answer several important questions - please take your time to write a proper application. Take a look at the available template. The sole reason for for its existence is to make it easier for you to make a decent application.
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