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Application to game

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 16:33
by Firegod98
My Name:: Justin the pimp!

My Minecraft Name: Firegod98

Alge: 19

Place: Texas, United States

Interests: Boobs and Minecraft.

Minecraft experience: I once got wood? JK, I'M AN "OMFG YOUR BUILDING IS SO SEXY" Kinda builder.

Friends at the server? Warbringer1989

Why i would like to join It seems like a reasonable, Dedicated server with EXCELLENT staff.

Did you read and understand the rules? Yes. I under stand ALL of them.

Extra: My first language IS english, men jeg forstår en smule dansk

Re: Application to game

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 16:53
by Ninjastick
Firegod98 wrote:My Name:: Justin the pimp!

My Minecraft Name: Firegod98

Alge: 19

Place: In the shadows.... of the u, s, and a :-)

Interests: Boobs and Minecraft.

Minecraft experience: I once got wood? JK, I'M AN "OMFG YOUR BUILDING IS SO SEXY" Kinda builder.

Friends at the server? Warbringer1989

Why i would like to join Im gonna bl0w uo m!nds!

Did you read and understand the rules? DAMN Straight!

Extra "need to know" about me: I'm a pimp. :?:
Din ansøgning er enten for kort, har mangler eller følger ikke den standard der ligger i "Ansøgnings Eksempel". (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=744&p=3111#p3111)

Bemærk venligst, at du kun har 2 chancer til at få en ansøgning godkendt, dvs. du har 1 chance mere. Hvis du ikke kan opnå dette, ser vi det som et tegn på at du ikke har gidet at sætte dig ordenligt ind i reglerne og ansøgningsproceduren.

Er du i tvivl om noget, så spørg andre spillere på serveren, de fleste afsætter gerne lidt tid til at hjælpe nye spillere.

Med venlig hilsen
Admin & moderatorholdet på


Your application is either too short, have missing points or does not follow the standard, which is located in "Application Example". ([url] viewtopic.php?f=8&t=744&p=3111 # p3111 [/ url])

Please note that you only have 2 chances to get an application approved, which means that you have 1 chance left.

If you information about something, ask other players on the server, most of them are more than willing to help new players.

The Admin & Moderator team on

Re: Application to game

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 17:30
by Ninjastick
Declined / Afvist.

Han har ikke noget at gøre på serveren. Yderlige information findes under hans ban på admin-siden.
