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Post by Sonicq »

not inportant :P

Minecraft Name:
sonicq is my gamer nick

iam a 1979 gamer veteran

i live in a little town in italy

i found mincraft so i am a computer geek.
and i am a coputer builder rl

Minecraft experience:
im a alpha night

not yet , did som talking tho , (julemand, and two more guys cant remember) tnx for the tour bdw

Why do you wanna join the server:
Rlarsen wanted more on what i wanted to do on the server,
but i dont know yet , you build what fits to the surroundings
so just cant say sry
2gigg map sound realy tempting.. and want to meet new ppl

Have you read and understood the rules?:
shodent be to hard to follow , awnser is yes
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Re: Sonicq

Post by Pars »

Sounds good to me, you just need one more admin to say "yes".
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Re: Sonicq

Post by miscje »

yes :D
You stay classy
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Re: Sonicq

Post by Rekalty »

Moved to Rejected due to the time its been, since its written and accepted, without you responding, to get tested and promoted on the server. If you happen to drop by, please mention this to the admin/mod you talk to, and we'll look into this.
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